Binary opposition is basically a theory which was found by French athropoligist Levi Strauss, it is basically two differing catergories such as...
- Masculine - Femenine
- Black - White
- Good - Bad
- Hero - Villian
An equilibrium is basically the natural pattern of situaitions in a narrative, usually the equilibruim is disturbed which creates stage such as the following...
- Equlibrium- everything is in its natural order and is balanced
- Dis-equilibrium- a situation takes place and the natural order has been effected
- New state of equilibrium- a solution has been found and the natural order to things have been instilled
Charactor Types...
In varied media forms there are charactor types. These charactor types inlclude...
- The hero - Escorts the narrative
- The heroin - usually a reward for the hero
- The vllian - has a divergence with the hero
- The donor - Somehow contributes something to the hero which helps him
- The helper - Sometimes the heros sidekick
- The mentor - A guide for the hero
- The authority figure - Offers the reward
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